465 N.Jeff Davis Drive
Fayetteville, Georgia 30214
Fayetteville, Georgia 30214
Family law cases can be complex, emotionally charged, highly contested, and tend to come with a lot of anxiety and stress. This is particularly so when children or significant assets are involved. At Brown, Barbour, and Thrailkill, P.C., we are highly skilled in helping our clients navigate the murky waters of family law cases.
We understand that these cases are highly sensitive and must be dealt with carefully. We work hard to connect with our clients and truly understand their needs and desires when it comes to the outcome of their individual family law cases. We handle each of our clients’ cases in a highly efficient manner that allows us to achieve the best possible outcome in each case.
At our law firm, we are skilled in handling the following family law matters:
-prenuptial agreements
-child support
-high asset divorce
-child custody
-property division
We understand that these matters are important and that there is no “one size fits all” solution. From your initial meeting with us, we will listen to your needs and concerns and tailor a plan and solution unique to you.
We pride ourselves on having open lines of communication with our clients. You will never be left in the dark wondering where your case stands.
To schedule your individual consultation and begin working on a unique solution to meet your needs, please call us today at 770-461-2025.